Faculty Profile

زهرا احمدیان


تاریخ به‌روزرسانی: 1403/12/15

زهرا احمدیان

مهندسی برق - الکترونیک و مخابرات / مخابرات

Articles Faculty

مقالات علمی چاپ شده در مجلات

  1. "Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis: New Insights and Application to QARMAv1-n and QARMAv2-64"
    Zahra Ahmadian, Akram Khalesi, Dounia M’foukh, Hoseyn Moghimi, Maria Naya-Plasencia
    DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY, pp.4549-4591, 2024
  2. "IoT-friendly, pre-computed and outsourced attribute based encryption"
    Mahdi Mahdavi Oliaee, Mohammad Hesam Tadayon, Mohammad Sayad Haghighi, Zahra Ahmadian
    Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience, Vol. 150, pp.115-126, 2024
  3. "New Variations of Discrete Logarithm Problem"
    Mahdi Mahdavi Oliaee, Sahar Khaleghi fard, Zahra Ahmadian
    ISeCure-ISC International Journal of Information Security, Vol. 15, pp.1-11, 2023
  4. "Provably minimum data complexity integral distinguisher based on conventional division property"
    Akram Khalesi, Zahra Ahmadian
    Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, pp.1-13, 2023
  5. "Linear Subspace Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Flexible and Lightweight Group Authentication Scheme"
    Ali Rezapour, Zahra Ahmadian
    Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 19, 2023
  6. "Fine-grained flexible access control: ciphertext policy attribute based encryption for arithmetic circuits"
    Mahdi Mahdavi Oliaee, Zahra Ahmadian
    Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, Vol. -, pp.1-14, 2022
  7. "Revisiting the Security and Efficiency of SP2DAS 3PDA and EPPA Smart Grid Security Protocols"
    Hamid Amiryousefi, Zahra Ahmadian
    ISeCure-ISC International Journal of Information Security, Vol. 14, pp.157-165, 2022
  8. "New Automatic Search Method for Truncated-Differential Characteristics Application to Midori, SKINNY and CRAFT"
    Amirhosein Ebrahimi Moghadam, Zahra Ahmadian
    COMPUTER JOURNAL, Vol. 00, 2020
  9. "Security analysis of a dynamic threshold secret sharing scheme using linear subspace method"
    Sadegh Jamshidpour, Zahra Ahmadian
  10. "MILP-based automatic differential search for LEA and HIGHT block ciphers"
    Elnaz Bagherzadeh, Zahra Ahmadian
    IET Information Security, Vol. 14, pp.595-603, 2020
  11. "Biclique Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers LBlock and TWINE-80 with Practical Data Complexity"
    Siavash Ahmadi, Zahra Ahmadian, Javad Mohajeri, Mohammad Reza Aref
    The ISC Int Journal of Information Security, Vol. 11, pp.57-73, 2019
  12. "Improved Impossible Differential and Biclique Cryptanalysis of HIGHT"
    Arash Azimi, Siavash Ahmadi, Zahra Ahmadian, Mohajeri Javad, Mohammad Reza Aref
  13. "Linear Subspace Cryptanalysis of Harns Secret Sharing-Based Group Authentication Scheme"
    Zahra Ahmadian, Sadegh Jamshidpour
    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 13, pp.502-510, 2018
  14. "An Improved Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis of Klein"
    Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Zahra Ahmadian, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref
    Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, Vol. 67, pp.135-147, 2016
  15. "Biclique cryptanalysis of the full-round KLEIN block cipher"
    Zahra Ahmadian, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref
    IET Information Security, Vol. 9, pp.294-301, 2015
  16. "Low-Data Complexity Biclique Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers With Application to Piccolo and HIGHT"
    Siavash Ahmadi, Zahra Ahmadian, Javad Mohajeri, Mohammad Reza Aref
    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 9, pp.1641-1652, 2014
  17. "Total Break of Zorro Using Linear and Differential Attacks"
    Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Zahra Ahmadian, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref
    The ISC Int Journal of Information Security, Vol. 6, pp.23-34, 2014
  18. "Desynchronization attack on RAPP ultralightweight authentication protocol"
    Zahra Ahmadian, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref
    INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS, Vol. 113, pp.205-209, 2013
  19. "Recursive Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis of Ultralightweight Authentication Protocols"
    Zahra Ahmadian, M. Salmasizadeh, M. R. Aref
    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 8, pp.1140-1151, 2013
  20. "A practical distinguisher for the Shannon cipher"
    Zahra Ahmadian, Javad Mohajeri, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Risto M. Hakala, Kaisa Nyberg
    JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, Vol. 83, pp.543-547, 2010
  21. "Security enhancements against UMTS GSM interworking attacks"
    Zahra Ahmadian, Somayeh Salimi, Ahmad Salahi
    Computer Networks, Vol. 54, pp.2256-2270, 2010
  22. "یک تمایزگر تفاضلی برای دو دور الگوریتم رمزگذاری احرازاصالت شده pi-Cipher"
    بهزاد سعیدی، زهرا احمدیان
    امنیت فضای تولید و تبادل اطلاعات، نسخه 19، صفحات:27-33، 1400

مقالات علمی ارائه شده در همایش‌ها

  1. "Improved Differential Meet-in-the-Middle Cryptanalysis"
    Zahra Ahmadian, Akram Khalesi, Hoseyn Moghimi, Mfoukh Dounia, Naya-Plasencia Maria
    43rd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, EUROCRYPT 2024, No 14651 , pp.280-309, 2024
  2. "Follow-up on Differential Meet-In-The-Middle Cryptanalysis"
    Zahra Ahmadian
    Dagstuhl Seminar on Symmetric Cryptography, 2024
  3. "Biclique cryptanalysis of LBlock with modified key schedule"
    Zahra Ahmadian,
    12th International ISC conference on Information security and cryptology, 2015
  4. "Integral Analysis of Saturnin Using Bit-Based Division Property"
    اکرم خالصی، زهرا احمدیان
    هجدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی انجمن رمز ایران، شماره 18 ، صفحات:63-67، 1400
  5. "یک تمایزگر تفاضلی برای دو دور الگوریتم رمزگذاری احراز اصالت شده p-cipher"
    بهزاد سعیدی، زهرا احمدیان
    شانزدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی انجمن رمز ایران، 1398
  6. "Cryptanalysis of SP2DAS and 3PDA,Two Data Aggregation Schemes for Smart Grid"
    حمید امیریوسفی، زهرا احمدیان
    شانزدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی انجمن رمز ایران، شماره 16 ، صفحات:45-48، 1398
  7. "حمله ملاقات در میانه با پیچیدگی داده کم به الگوریتم SIMON"
    امیرحسین ابراهیمی مقدم، شهرام رسول زاده، زهرا احمدیان
    بیست و سومین کنفرانس ملی سالانه انجمن کامپیوتر ایران، 1396