Faculty Profile

رضا قادری


تاریخ به‌روزرسانی: 1403/12/22

رضا قادری

مهندسی برق - الکترونیک و مخابرات / الکترونیک

Articles Faculty

مقالات علمی چاپ شده در مجلات

  1. "Decentralised Output Feedback Networked Control for Load Frequecncy Control of a Large Sacle power system"
    Mohammad Mahdi Azimi, Ali Akbar Afzalian, GHaderi Reza
    IET Control Theory and Applications, pp.1-12,
  2. "Enhancing Image-Based JPEG Compression: ML-Driven Quantization via DCT Feature Clustering"
    Shahrzad Sabzavi, GHaderi Reza
    IEEE Access, Vol. 1, pp.1-21, 2024
  3. "An IoT-based packet aggregation mechanism for the SDN-based wide area networks"
    Nader Kazemi, GHaderi Reza, Soheila Nazari
    Computer Networks, Vol. 248, 2024
  4. "Tracking of moving human in different overlapping cameras using Kalman filter optimized"
    Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Yousefi, Seyed Saleh Mohseni, Hadi Dehbovid, GHaderi Reza
    EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2023
  5. "The role of deep learning?based survival model in improving survival prediction of patients with glioblastoma"
    Hajar Moradmand, Seyed Mahmoud Reza Aghamiri, GHaderi Reza, Hamid Emami
    Cancer Medicine, Vol. 10, pp.7048-7059, 2021
  6. "Decentralized stabilization of a class of large scale networked control systems based on modified event-triggered scheme"
    Mohammad Mahdi Azimi, Ali Akbar Afzalian, GHaderi Reza
    International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Vol. 9, pp.149-159, 2021
  7. "Insights into the primary radiation damage ofsilicon by a machine learning interatomic potential"
    Ali Hamedani, J. Byggm?star, F. Djurabekova, Ghasem Alahyarizadeh, GHaderi Reza, Abdolhamid Minochehr, K. Nordlund
    Materials Research Letters, Vol. 8, pp.364-372, 2020
  8. "Decentralized Output Feedback stabilization based on Modified Event-Trigger Scheme for Load Frequency Control of an Interconnected Microgrid"
    Mohammad Mahdi Azimi, Ali Akbar Afzalian, GHaderi Reza
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Electrical Engineering, Vol. -, 2020
  9. "Impact of image preprocessing methods on reproducibility of radiomic features in multimodal magnetic resonance imaging in glioblastoma"
    Hajar Moradmand, Seyed Mahmoud Reza Aghamiri, GHaderi Reza
    Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Vol. 21, pp.179-190, 2019
  10. "Classification of EEG-based motor imagery BCI by using ECOC"
    JAHANGIR MOBAREZPOUR, Reza Khosrowabadi, GHaderi Reza, Keyvan Navi
    International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, Vol. 10, pp.23-33, 2019
  11. "Robust decentralised state feedback control design for large-scale networked control system"
    Mohammad Mahdi Azimi, Ali Akbar Afzalian, GHaderi Reza
  12. "Face Recognition using an Affine Sparse Coding Approach"
    Mohsen Nikpour, Mohammad Reza Karami, GHaderi Reza
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining, pp.1-12, 2017
  13. "Artificial neural network based gynaecological image-guided adaptive brachytherapy treatment planning correction of intra-fractional organs at risk dose variation"
    Ramin Jaberi, Zahra Siavashpour, Seyed Mahmoud Reza Aghamiri, Christian Kirisits, GHaderi Reza
    Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy, Vol. 9, pp.508-518, 2017
    Mohsen Nikpour, Mohammad Reza Karami Mollaei, GHaderi Reza
  15. "A semi-analytical treatment of xenon oscillations"
    Mohamad Zarei Binabaj, Abdolhamid Minochehr, GHaderi Reza
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY, Vol. 106, pp.127-135, 2017
  16. "Robust PID control of power in lead cooled fast reactors A direct synthesis framework"
    Mohamad Zarei Binabaj, GHaderi Reza, Naeimodin Mattaji Kojuri, Abdolhamid Minochehr
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY, Vol. 1, pp.1-16, 2016
  17. "Tuning Method for Fractional Complex Order Controller Using Standardized k -Chart Application to Pemfc Control"
    Masoomeh Shahiri, Abolfazl Ranjbar Noei, Mohammad Reza Karami, GHaderi Reza
    ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL, Vol. 18, pp.1102-1118, 2016
  18. "Optimum Organ Volume Ranges for Organs at Risk Dose in Cervical Cancer Intracavitary Brachytherapy"
    Zahra Siavashpour, Seyed Mahmoud Reza Aghamiri, ramin jaberi, , GHaderi Reza, Christian Kirisits
    Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy, Vol. 8, pp.135-142, 2016
  19. "Space independent xenon oscillations control in VVER reactor A bifurcation analysis approach"
    Mohamad Zarei Binabaj, GHaderi Reza, Abdolhamid Minochehr
    PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY, pp.19-27, 2015
  20. "Evaluation of the suitability of neural network method for prediction of uranium activity ratio in environmental alpha spectra"
    Mohammad Einian, Seyed Mahmoud Reza Aghamiri, GHaderi Reza
    APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, Vol. 105, pp.225-232, 2015
  21. "Application of neural network method to detect type of uranium contamination by estimation of activity ratio in environmental alpha spectra"
    Mohammad Einian, Seyed Mahmoud Reza Aghamiri, GHaderi Reza
  22. ""
    GHaderi Reza
    Vol. 3, pp.48-54, 2015
  23. "Selection of RBF Neural Network Parameters Based on Normalized Cut Clustering"
    GHaderi Reza
    Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering (JSCSE), Vol. 3, pp.48-54, 2015
  24. "Control of oxygen excess ratio in a PEM fuel cell system using high-order sliding-mode controller and observer"
    Seyed Mehdi RAKHTALA, Abolfazl Ranjbar NOEI, GHaderi Reza, Elio USAI
    Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Vol. 23, pp.255-278, 2015
  25. "Robust control of nonlinear PEMFC against uncertainty using fractional complex order control"
    , A Ranjbar, , GHaderi Reza
    NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, Vol. 1, pp.1-18, 2014
  26. "Application of the Rise Feedback Control in Chaotic Systems"
    Milad Malekzadeh, Abolfazl Ranjbar Noei, Alireza Khosravi, GHaderi Reza
    International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), Vol. 6, pp.46-52, 2014
  27. "Application of Adaptive Neural Network Observer in Chaotic Systems"
    , , , GHaderi Reza
    International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, pp.37-43, 2014
  28. "Multi-Dimensional Fuzzy C-Mean Considering Spatial Information for Brain MRI Segmentation"
    Jamal Ghasemi, , GHaderi Reza,
    Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 8, pp.37-44, 2014
  29. "Design of finite-time high-order sliding mode state observer A practical insight to PEM fuel cell system"
    , , GHaderi Reza,
    JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL, pp.203-224, 2013
  30. "Using Modified IPSO-SQP Algorithm to Solve Nonlinear Time Optimal Bang-bang Control Problem"
    , , GHaderi Reza
    International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 26, pp.1307-1322, 2013
  31. "Systematic Approach to Design a Finite Time Convergent Differentiator in Second Order Sliding Mode Controller"
    S-M, , GHaderi Reza
    International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 26, pp.1357-1368, 2013
    Jalil SADATI, GHaderi Reza, A. Ranjbar N
    Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 65, pp.94-102, 2013
  33. "Modification of the Fast Global K-means Using a Fuzzy Relation with Application in Microarray Data Analysis"
    , GHaderi Reza
  34. "control of pem feul cell via higher order sliding mode control"
    seyed mehdi Rakhtala, Aboulfazl Ranjbar noei, GHaderi Reza
    International Journal of Automation and Control, Vol. 6, pp.310-329, 2012
  35. "Designing Continuous-Time Observers for Linear Hybrid Systems with Application to Three Tank Model"
    , , GHaderi Reza
    International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research, Vol. 4, pp.2250-3005, 2012
  36. "Fuzzy-rough feature selection and a fuzzy 2-level complementary approach for classification of gene expression data"
    , GHaderi Reza,
    scientific research and essay, Vol. 7, pp.1512-1520, 2012
  37. "Detection of Microaneurysms in Retinal Angiography Images Using the Circular Hough transform"
    , , , GHaderi Reza
    journal of Advences in Computer Research, Vol. 3, pp.1-12, 2012
  38. "A Q-learning Based Continuous Tuning of Fuzzy Wall Tracking without Exploration"
    , GHaderi Reza,
  39. "Fractional-Order Control of aNonlinear Time-Delay System Case Study inOxygenRegulation in theHeart-LungMachine"
    s.j sadati, A, GHaderi Reza
    Journal of Control Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, pp.1-8, 2012
  40. "A novel fuzzy Dempster Shafer inference system for brain MRI segmentation"
    J Gasemi, GHaderi Reza, M.R, S.A
    INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol. 5, pp.1-16, 2012
  41. "Brain tissue segmentation based on spatial information fusion by Dempster-Shafer theory"
    , , GHaderi Reza,
    journal of zhejiang university-SCIENCE C, Vol. 2, pp.1-15, 2012
    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 10, pp.41-56, 2012
  43. "Combination of multiple diverse classifiers using belief functions for handling data with imperfect labels"
    , GHaderi Reza,
    EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 39, pp.1698-1707, 2012
  44. "Combining complementary information sources in the Dempster Shafer framework for solving classification problems with imperfect labels"
    Tabasian Mahdi, GHaderi Reza, Ebrahimpour Reza
    KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, Vol. 27, pp.92-102, 2012
  45. "Control of oxygen excess ratio in PEM fuel cell system using high-order sliding mode controller and observer"
    , , GHaderi Reza,
    MANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA, Vol. 3, pp.1-42, 2012
  46. "Reply to comments on Fuzzy fractional order sliding mode controller for nonlinear systems commun nonlinear sci numer simulate 15(2010)963-978"
    , GHaderi Reza, , Shaher Momani
    communication in nonlinear scienc numrical simulation, Vol. 17, pp.4010-4014, 2012
  47. "Reply to Comments on Fuzzy fractional order sliding mode controller for nonlinear systems Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 15"
    Hadi Delavari, GHaderi Reza, Abolfazl Ranjbar noei, Shaher Momani
    Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 17, pp.4010-4014, 2012
  48. "Knitted fabric defect classification for uncertain labels based on Dempster Shafer theory of evidence"
    Mahdi Tabassian, GHaderi Reza, Reza Ebrahimpour
    EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 38, pp.5259-5267, 2011
  49. "Synchronization of chaotic systems with known and unknown parameters using a modified active sliding mode control"
    , A Ranjbar, GHaderi Reza
    ISA TRANSACTIONS, Vol. 50, pp.262-267, 2011
  50. "proton exchange membrain feul cell voltage tracking using artificial neural networks"
    , GHaderi Reza,
    Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C-Computers and Electronics, Vol. 12, pp.338-344, 2011
  51. "Genetic diagnosis of cancer by fuzzy-rough gene selection and the complementary hierarchical fuzzy classifier"
    , GHaderi Reza
  52. "Fractional order control of a coupled tank"
    H Delavari, A Ranjbar noei, GHaderi Reza, S Momani
    NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, pp.1-15, 2010
  53. "Chaotic fractional-order Coullet system Synchronization and control approach"
    M Shahiri, GHaderi Reza, A Ranjbar Noei, S.H Hosseinnia, S Momani
    communication in nonlinear scienc numrical simulation, Vol. 3, pp.665-674, 2010
  54. "Fuzzy fractional order sliding mode controller for nonlinear systems"
    H Delavari, GHaderi Reza, A Ranjbar noei, S Momani
    communication in nonlinear scienc numrical simulation, pp.936-978, 2010
  55. "Application of Enhanced Homotopy Perturbation Method to solve Fractional Order Bagley -Torvik Differential Equation"
    M Zolfaghari, GHaderi Reza, A Sheikholeslami, A Ranjbar noei, H Hosseinnia, S Momani, j Sadati
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA, pp.1-7, 2009
  56. "Solving linear fractional-order differential equations via the enhanced homotopy perturbation method"
    E Naseri, GHaderi Reza, A Ranjbar noei, j sadati, M Masoudnia, H Hosseinnia, S Momani
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA, pp.1-7, 2009
  57. "An Intelligent System for Classification of the Communication Formats Using PSO"
    Ata ollah Ebrahim Zadeh Shermeh, GHaderi Reza
    INFORMATICA, pp.213-218, 2008
  58. "Face verification via error correcting output codes"
    josef Kittler, GHaderi Reza, Terry Windeatt, j Matas
    IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING, pp.1163-1169, 2003
  59. "Code selection for Output Coding"
    Terry Windeatt, GHaderi Reza
    iranian journal of electrical and computer engineering, pp.35-40, 2002
  60. "Coding and Decoding Strategies for multiclass learning problems"
    Terry Windeatt, GHaderi Reza
    Information Fusion, pp.11-21, 2002
  61. "Binary labeling and decision-level fusion"
    Terry Windeatt, GHaderi Reza
    Information Fusion, pp.103-112, 2001
  62. "تشخیص افراد اسپرگر از سالم با یه کارگیری نظریه گراف بر روی تصاویر عملکردی مغز به روش تشدید مغناطیسی"
    جهانگیر مبارزپور، رضا خسروآبادی، رضا قادری، کیوان ناوی
    تازه های علوم شناختی، نسخه 21، صفحات:74-83، 1398
  63. "قطعه بندی تصویر مبتنی بر برش نرمالیزه گراف از دیدگاه میزان اطلاعات جدا کننده"
    معصومه محسنی، مهدی ازوجی، رضا قادری
    مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز، نسخه 46، صفحات:303-310، 1395
  64. "جداسازی کور تصاویر ترکیبی اسکن شده، برمبنای پیش پردازش غیرخطی و اعمال تابع رقابت مابین اجزا فرکانس بالا"
    سمیه اربابی، رضا قادری، عطاءالله ابراهیم زاده
    رایانش نرم و فناوری اطلاعات، نسخه 1، صفحات:47-62، 1391
  65. "سیستم طبقه بندی فازی با استفاده از الگوریتم ژنتیک"
    لیلا منتظری، رضا قادری، عطاالله ابراهیم زاده
    رایانش نرم و فناوری اطلاعات، نسخه 1، صفحات:1-11، 1391
  66. "شیوه نو در تخصیص احتمال اساسی در تئوری شواهد با کاربرد در کنترل مدل پیش بین چند گانه"
    سارا میناگر، رضا قادری، ابوالفضل رنجبر نوعی
    رایانش نرم و فناوری اطلاعات، نسخه 1، صفحات:37-51، 1391

مقالات علمی ارائه شده در همایش‌ها

  1. "Brain MRI Segmentation using mixture of FCM and RBF Neural Networks"
    Maryam Talebi Rostami, GHaderi Reza, Mehdi Ezoji, jamal Ghasemi
    8th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP), No 1 , pp.1155-1159, 2013
  2. "Estimation of Time delayed system with complex order based Integrator"
    GHaderi Reza
    2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2013
  3. "Fuzzy Assignment for Multiple MPCBased on Evidence Theory Applied"
    GHaderi Reza
    6th International Conference on Fuzzy Information and Engineerin, 2012
  4. "Design of anOptimal Tracking Controller for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using IPSO-SQP Algorithm"
    GHaderi Reza
    The 4th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012
  5. "fuzzy behavior based navigation of an autonomous robot"
    sepideh Valiollahi, GHaderi Reza, Ataollah Ebrahimzadeh
    The 4th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, No 1 , pp.1-6, 2012
  6. "Fractimproving control performance in fractional order model reference adaptive control using co-evolutionary particle swarm optimization CPSO)"
    GHaderi Reza
    the fifth symposium on fractional differentiation and its application, 2012
  7. "Intelligent Fractional Order Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using IPSO-SQP Algorithm"
    GHaderi Reza
    the fifth symposium on fractional differentiation and its application, 2012
  8. "stability region of Smith predictor based fractional order controler for a time delay system"
    seyed jalil sadati, abolfazl ranjbar noei, GHaderi Reza
    the fifth symposium on fractional differentiation and its application, No 1 , pp.1-5, 2012
  9. "Improving control performance in fractional order model refrence adaptive control using co-evolutionary particle swarm optimization"
    Meisam yahyazadeh, Abolfazl Ranjbar Noei, GHaderi Reza
    5th Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, No 1 , pp.1-5, 2012
  10. "A Real-time Intelligent Parallel Parking System for a Car like Mobile Robot"
    Parisa Masoumi Moghri, Mohammad Reza Karami, GHaderi Reza
  11. "Prolong the Stack Life of PEM Fuel Cell System Via Higher Order Sliding Mode Control"
    seyed mehdi Rakhtala, GHaderi Reza, Abolfazl Ranjbar noei
    2nd International Conference on Control Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA), No 1 , pp.1-6, 2011
  12. "Optimal Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using IPSO_SQP Algorithm"
    Tahereh Taleshian, Abolfazl Ranjbar Noei, GHaderi Reza
    2nd International Conference on Control Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA), No 1 , pp.558-563, 2011
    jamal ghasemi, GHaderi Reza, mohammad reza Karami, ali hojjatoleslami
    Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis Decision and Control, No 6 , pp.243-252, 2011
  14. "Separation of brain tissues in MRI based on multi-dimensional FCM and spatial information"
    jamal ghasemi, GHaderi Reza, ali hojjatoleslami, mohammad reza karami mollaei
    Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), No 1 , pp.247-251, 2011
  15. "Brain Tissue segmentation by FCM and Demptster-Shafer Theory"
    jamal Ghasemi, mohammad reza Karami mollaei, GHaderi Reza, Ali Hojatoleslami
    7th Iranian Conference on Machine vision and image processing, pp.1-5, 2011
  16. "طراحی، تحلیل و شبیه سازی گیت NAND پیشنهادی مبتنی بر کلیدهای MEMS سری"
    یاشار غلامی مهرآبادی، کیان جعفری دینانی، مهدیه خرسندی فرد، رضا قادری
    چهارمین کنفرانس ملی تکنولوژی در مهندسی برق و کامپیوتر، 1398
  17. "گیت های منطقی مبتنی بر فناوری MEMS، جهت کاربرد در مدارها و کامپیوترهای دیجیتال"
    یاشار غلامی مهرآبادی، رامین رجائی، کیان جعفری دینانی، رضا قادری
    چهارمین کنفرانس ملی تکنولوژی در مهندسی برق و کامپیوتر، 1398
  18. "Robust guaranteed cost control for a class of large scale networked control systems"
    محمدمهدی عظیمی، علی اکبر افضلیان، رضا قادری
    پنجمین کنفرانس بین المللی کنترل، ابزار دقیق و اتوماسیون، 1396
  19. "Correlation-Based Criterion for the Most Discriminative Principal Component Selection in Normalized Cut Segmentation"
    معصومه محسنی، مهدی ازوجی، رضا قادری
    بیست و دومین کنفرانس مهندسی برق ایرانICEE2014، شماره 1 ، صفحات:1-4، 1393
  20. "A Fuzzy Q-Learning Approach to Navigation of an Autonomous Robot"
    سپیده ولی الهی، رضا قادری، عطالله ابراهیم زاده
    The 16th CSI Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing، 1391